At Santa Fe National Forest
Work will include (time and group size allowing; we may divide tasks among smaller groups):
A 3-day, 2-night backpacking trip into the Pecos Wilderness
A 4 mile, ~1000ft elevation gain each way to basecamp at Stewart Lake (hike in on Friday, hike out on Sunday)
A full work day on Saturday of logouts along Trail #267 (~3 miles, ~1000 ft elevation gain each way) between Stewart Lake and Lake Johnson
Wild rec site rehabilitation and fire ring cleanup around lake areas
Volunteers are asked to bring:
Camping gear (tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, cooking utensils, boots, bear bag setup, etc.)
Work gloves (we will have some on hand, but please bring your own if able)
All meals for backpacking trip (full day on Saturday, full day on Sunday)
Lots of layers for cold nights!
A positive attitude! No previous experience is needed, all training will be provided on-site
Please RSVP by FRIDAY OCTOBER 11th using the form below. We will reach out to registrants via email with all the details as the trip approaches.