
Aldo Leopold Circle – Caja del Rio Hike


Hike the beautiful Caja del Rio with Mark, Tisha, and New Mexico Wild campaign staff

From 9:00 am

At Diablo Canyon Recreational Area


Hike the beautiful Caja del Rio with Mark, Tisha, and New Mexico Wild campaign staff!

Please note: this event is only open to members of the Aldo Leopold Circle. Learn how to join here!

New Mexico Wild staff want to take you on an exclusive exploration of the Caja del Rio, one of the most unique landscapes in New Mexico and one of New Mexico Wild's top protection priorities. Come learn why we are fighting to have this incredible place protected as a National Monument. 

We will meet at the Diablo Canyon Recreational area at 9 am on October 13th.

For more details and to RSVP, please email Tisha@nmwild.org or call 505-321-6131
